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Showing posts with the label Hair loss prevention

Pura d'or Premium Organic Argan Oil Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo Review

Pura d'or Premium Organic Argan Oil Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo this is another great product for hair loss . I think you should always take action as soon as you notice hair loss, this can come with age , sickness, or could be mild shedding that happens at a particular time of the year  whatever the reason may be  . Taking action early at home can help a good diet as well as a good hair treatment . 

Two Home Remedy for hair Shedding

This is actually about one solution but two different methods . I previously wrote about this on my bubblews blog read here . Adding garlic to your deep conditioner . This will help to reduce excess shedding . Crush couple cubes of garlic or you can add garlic powder . You can pour the conditioner you plan on using for this treatment in a separate container then add your garlic powder . You can do this treatment over night , meaning letting it sit on your head with plastic shower cap for the night or in the morning for couple hours . Rinse the garlic conditioner from your hair and then wash away scent with mild shampoo . Now conditioner your hair with your regular shampoo . Follow this treatment for couple days and you will have your result in no time . If you have a bald spot rub cut garlic right on it twice a day until it show improvement . Garlic can prevent or reduce hair loss by providing nourishment to the hair follicles which may be blocked by DHT and som

How to Prevent Hair Loss tips

How to Prevent Hair Loss , hair loss is something I think we all fear at some point . Everyone loses up to 50-100 strands of hair daily and that is the ok amount ,  you should only start worrying  if no hair seems to be growing back in the spot and you start to see noticeable thinner hair . Hair loss can occur because of many different reason , such as our diet , stress , genetics , styling products , hairstyle, Pregnancy etc . Do not wait until you lose all your hair, knowing how to prevent hair fall is always better than cure, take action as you notice your losing way too much hair . Knowing how to prevent hair Loss can start t home . 8 Hair Loss Prevention Tips How to Prevent Hair Loss Tips  #1 Proper nutrition is key in preventing hair fall - be sure to eat properly to maintain healthy hair , fruits , beans , vegetables and protein rich food and at least 8 glass of water a day . #2 Keep your hair clean to prevent hair fall as dirty hair can contribute to hair los